You are important to FPC. Each and every one of you! And we’ve missed you over the summer! We are eager to welcome you back to FPC on Sunday!
Our entire faith community will be celebrating new beginnings this Sunday as both a new school year and a new Sunday School year begin. In worship, we will commission our Sunday School teachers, bless the backpacks, and say a Back-to-School prayer together so your student(s) know without a doubt that God walks with them every minute of every day at school.
Parents, teachers, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, and our faith community will promise our support and encouragement to students as they come to know the importance of learning history, math, languages, reading and writing, sciences, social studies, computer skills, the arts, and physical education – all the things they’ll need as building blocks along the path of life. Please bring your backpacks to worship on Sunday, meet your new Sunday school classmates and teachers, and plan to stay for the Homecoming Brunch afterwards!
On Sunday, let’s celebrate that God gave us the gifts of amazing minds and bodies to learn and grow and help make this world a better place! Come and join us in blessing this new beginning! And stay for the fellowship brunch to reconnect with old and new friends! It will be a beautiful fall with you here at FPC.
God is good. All the time.
Rev. Amy