ongoing opportunities for engagement

Please prayerfully consider how you might contribute to building up our faith community by sharing your time and talents. Let us know your interests by completing the Time and Talent Sharing Form. The more we share, the more we shine God’s light!

Youth Events Sign up to receive information about our upcoming schedule of youth events. Youth Group registration is available on the Youth Group page of this website. Parent involvement is highly encouraged.

Ushers help our visitors and members experience the joy of worshipping God at FPC. Volunteers are needed for the first, fourth, and fifth Sundays of each month. Please sign up online to volunteer or email Kim Bailey-Manzella at Usher instructions are available here.

Lay Readers Our church's lay reader program provides a wonderful opportunity to participate in the worship service and share the richness of God's Word with our community of believers. You are provided with the scripture and examples of the Prayer of Illumination for your choosing. Interested persons may contact the church office at or 908-782-3227 x10.

Children’s Message Leaders Do you have a 3 to 5 minute Children's Message you'd like to share with the little ones on a Sunday morning in worship? Rev. Amy is looking for people to help lead this part of the Sunday worship service on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month. Contact the church office for more information and to volunteer.

Coffee Hour Hosts Meet people and make new friends by signing up as a Sunday fellowship hour coffee host! All food items are provided by the Fellowship Committee. Directions are posted in the kitchen for making the coffee, setting up, and cleaning up.

Sanctuary Tech Team Learn more about video streaming and sound technology while operating the sanctuary camera and computer during Sunday morning worship. Join our rotating team of trained people who provide the means for us to share our worship services online. Contact the church office to sign up.

Committee Participation Our church committees welcome new members to participate in sharing ideas, planning, decision-making, and making things happen as you are able to offer your time and energy. We invite you to learn more about the mission and ministry of our church committees (Christian Education, Communications, Fellowship, Finance/Stewardship, Membership, Mission and Outreach, Property Management, and Worship), Deacons, Stephen Ministry, and the Women’s Association and connect with us. You will find committee descriptions and contact information as follows: Session committee descriptions and contact information, Deacons, Stephen Ministry, and the Women’s Association. Not sure how to take that first step? Get in touch with Rev. Amy or the church office.

Feed the Music! Support the handbell choirs using prepaid Shop Rite cards, which never expire and may be replaced if lost. Cards may be purchased during fellowship hour or may be ordered from Susan Miller at 

Flower Dedications for the chancel are available to honor your loved ones. To sign up, complete this form or call or email the church office ( Payment may be made online at, via check in the offering plate, or by mail to the church office, and then email your dedication to If you have any questions, please contact the Worship Committee at

Prayer Shawls The Women’s Association is looking for those willing to make a prayer shawl. If interested, please use these instructions.

Recycle Your Old Eyeglasses People around the world will see clearly when we care enough to recycle our old eyeglasses. Glasses, both child and adult, as well as eyeglass cases are needed. Broken eyeglasses can be recycled. Your used glasses will be sent to Crosslink International in Memphis, TN. Prescriptions will be analyzed, and the glasses will be shipped to faith-based nonprofits locally, nationally, and internationally and dispensed to those in need around the world. Thousands of patients have virtually no other hope of owning a pair of glasses. The vision of Crosslink Memphis is that through the donations we share, others will come to know the Lord by being able to see his beautiful creations. The collection box for eyeglasses is in Fellowship Hall in the church library.

For information about current events and announcements, please see our Special Events and Announcements pages, respectively.