session committees
Christian Education manages the total educational programs of the church, including the Flemington Presbyterian Preschool, and is responsible for such programs as Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, youth fellowship, and adult education. This committee maintains the church library.
Communications reaches out to the congregation, those seeking a church home, and our community through a variety of media to inform, inspire, and invite participation in the life and mission of the church. The committee enables and enhances the work and ministry of other session committees and church organizations by coordinating communications, such as print media, news, advertising, digital imagery, and electronic and social media.
Fellowship develops and implements an organized program of Christian fellowship for the congregation, providing opportunities to socialize, become better acquainted with each other, and nurture friendships within the church. They coordinate Sunday coffee hour after worship and plan a variety of social events throughout the year for both the congregation and local community.
Finance/Stewardship Stewardship plans and implements an annual stewardship campaign along with encouraging the giving of memorial gifts and bequests. Finance coordinates the overall church budget by receiving and summarizing committee budgets and presenting the overall church budget to session for approval. The committee is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting of the session treasurer and maintaining all funds, including the endowment fund for which they also establish investment policy. Finance makes recommendations to session for all endowment fund disbursements. The committee is also responsible for ensuring an annual financial review.
Membership encourages, facilitates, and prepares people joining the church. Additional functions include sponsoring activities that welcome and reach out to those who attend church services as visitors; organizing, scheduling and managing new member classes; and supporting the pastor in various activities to increase the membership of the church. Membership conducts an annual review of the membership rolls, recommending membership actions to session based on that review.
Mission and Outreach oversees the total outreach mission of the church, striving to develop increased interest in, understanding of, and support for the church’s total mission program, including local, national, and international mission projects. The committee reviews all requests for support from outside parties and, with the approval of session, directs the disbursement of the church mission contributions, including special PC(USA) offerings.
Personnel oversees all employees of the church, including the pastor, and represents the needs of the church to the employees. Personnel recommends employee compensation packages and performs annual reviews for all staff. The committee is responsible for creating and maintaining the Personnel Policies and Practices Handbook as well as the Sexual Misconduct and Child and Youth Protection policies.
Property Management manages the maintenance, supervision, and protection of the physical properties of the church, including the cemetery, provides for insurance and all utilities, and keeps the properties neat and safe. The committee is responsible for the Church Use Policy and for compliance by outside organizations.
Worship oversees the worship life of our church, including worship services. The committee provides for celebration of the Sacraments, recommending the communion schedule and administration of baptisms for session approval. Worship also presents all wedding and funeral requests to session for approval. It is responsible for the music program of the church and for maintenance of the organ and other musical instruments belonging to the church. The committee is responsible for creating and maintaining policies and/or instructions regarding baptisms, weddings, funerals, preparing and serving communion, and ushering.