How Has God Been Generous to You?

How has God been generous with you? This was a question we discussed during our devotion time at the session meeting on Tuesday evening.  We remembered how God is generous throughout scripture – with the liberation from slavery, the gift of manna in the wilderness, and the giving of the Ten Commandments. We remembered Jesus turning water into wine, and bringing the dead back to life, and the feeding of the 5000 with just five loaves and two fish – and how there were even leftovers!  Ours is a generous God.
We also shared stories about strangers crossing our paths with just the information or gifts we needed in a moment and helped move us forward. We talked about how an invitation or encouragement from a friend has made all the difference when we were feeling lost.  We remembered how God is abundantly good to us.
As the fall arrives and we enter the season of gratitude, I am mindful that this is true for us as a congregation as well. God has blessed us with an abundance of students (17!) for Confirmation this year. God has led our new enthusiastic and gifted Director of Music/Organist, Dr. Carmen Scialla, to lead us in worship and praise. God has moved in the hearts of our ordained elders and deacons to invest their time and energy into helping further our church mission and ministry of sharing God’s love. In these and so many other ways, we are grateful for God’s provision!
In the weeks ahead, I invite you to practice being mindful daily of those things and people you are grateful for by praying your thanksgiving to God. Lift up those moments that bring you joy, lean on God in the moments that challenge you to trust, and believe that God is near to you and to us on the path of abundant life. What will it mean for you this fall to respond to God’s goodness with grateful action?
Blessings and Peace,
Rev. Amy