The days of crisp air, fluffy sweaters, beautiful leaves, and plump pumpkins make me sing for joy! This festive time of year fills me with gratitude for the goodness God has shown to me throughout my life. The fall season leads me to pray; deepening my connection to God with thanks and wondering how best to offer my abilities and resources in ways that further God’s work in the world. Creating justice, celebrating loving-kindness, and walking humbly with God are my goals this year as I work to serve and to guide others in serving God.
I’d invite you also this fall to consider all that God has given to you in abilities (your human resources) and in financial well-being that you might offer toward the church’s work in God’s name in our congregation, community, and beyond to those who need it most. What might your goals be for the fall in following God’s leading to give of your time, talents, and gifts this Stewardship season? Keep your eyes peeled soon for a mailing from the church which includes your 2020 pledge card and some colorful reasons to celebrate! We are counting on you to help us continue to live into our promises as the church of Jesus Christ!
Yours in Christ, Rev. Amy