Did you know we were building bridges last weekend at FPC?
Well, not with hammer and nails, but with our hearts. Last Saturday morning, our Women’s Association reconnected with the Presbyterian Women of New Brunswick Presbytery by hosting the PW breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. First, we welcomed, prayed, and shared fellowship with sisters in Christ. Then we listened and learned from Erlinda Quesada (who spoke Spanish) and Karla Koll (who translated for us). These women are International Peacemakers visiting the presbytery to raise awareness about the vast, lucrative pineapple plantations in Costa Rica and their cost to the well-being of the nearby people. Harm is being done to the land and to the people due to deforestation and the wide use of pesticides which seep into the groundwater, killing fish and causing grave health issues for animals and humans alike. These brave women are telling the true story of how the lives of regular people are negatively impacted by this big business and how the unchecked greed of the powerful is causing pain to those with less power. You can learn more here about how our purchasing choices may help make a difference.
That same morning at FPC, the Robotics Team was working hard upstairs in the youth room, while the Faith in Action workshop was happening in Room 22. The three young women who participated in the Faith in Action workshop learned how to mobilize people’s passions around an issue in the community and then work together toward social change. Casey Aldridge, a student from Princeton Seminary, taught the workshop thanks to our Coordinator of Christian Education, Eric Hearst. They brought a message of empowerment to these young women, teaching them that they can work together to build momentum for social change.
On Sunday after worship, many of you gathered outside for brunch and fellowship, connecting with each other over an abundant potluck feast. Committees brought colorful displays listing opportunities to engage by helping the faith community. Twenty-six of you stepped forward to offer your Time and Talent (T&T) to help with the needs of the church. I am still looking for a couple hundred other yellow T&T forms. Our membership is 523 – where are the others? If you haven’t already, please fill out and return a Time and Talent sheet to Rev. Amy at the church office, so we can know your areas of knowledge and passion to help further the ministry of FPC.
Then, on Sunday afternoon, I walked across the street to the mosque where I was warmly welcomed as I offered our welcome and well wishes to the Islamic Center of Hunterdon County (ICHC) just before the parents had a walk-through of the Creighton building. We are beginning a new friendship as the ICHC will begin holding “Sunday school” on Friday evenings here at FPC. So, if you are at church and see people wearing hijabs or who may look a bit different from you and me, please help them know that they are welcome.
You see, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be bridge builders – to outstretch our hands with warmth and our hearts with welcome to those who speak Spanish, to young people who want to mobilize to improve life for others, and to work hand in hand with our Muslim neighbors teaching love and peace and working for justice. This is our work together in God’s name. Please make the time to engage with your faith community at Flemington Presbyterian and help us to be bridge builders. We need your participation in order to become all that God is calling us to be!
Yours in Christ, Rev. Amy Lincoln