Summer God Sightings

The heavens are telling the glory of God and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. – Psalm 19:1
Have you seen the first amazing images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope?! The $10 billion satellite that took decades of research and innovation to develop is showing us the outermost reaches of space; giving us a peek into the vastness of the universe that God created, which is so enormous that the light we see in the images left those stars billions of years ago as the universe was just forming!

If you haven’t had the chance to learn about these remarkable images, I encourage you to learn more here:

For me these images have been one of the most powerful Summer God Sightings I have had. My mind bends to think of how small each of us are in the grand scheme of the universe and yet to know that God creates, loves, and knows each of us fully. BOOM – it blows me away!

To bring things back to earth, when the children who attended last week were asked, “where have you seen God at work this week during VBS?” we had 79 answers ranging from small kindnesses between siblings and new friends, to learning new songs and stories, taking care of one another, sharing joy, feeding us and feeding others, donating to the food pantry, volunteering as helpers, people adopting children and animals, parents providing for their kids and helping us with homework, forgiveness after a sibling ruined math homework, and helping those who are hurting!  The kids recognize God’s presence in these moments and have learned the life-long skill and spiritual discipline of being alert to watch for God’s work in daily life.

The adults volunteering at VBS saw God at work as others lent a helping hand, the children sang, special friendships were made, the kids shared and used manners, in the beautiful faces of the little ones, and in the enthusiasm of the teen helpers. Thanks be to God!

Yes, God created the vast, majestic furthest reaches of the universe, and yes, God created each one of us and is present at work in our lives each day, showing up wherever love and kindness reign supreme.

We invite you and your family to tell us about your Summer God Sightings– either in words or in pictures, and we may just share yours in our next e-newsletter! Please send them to

Praying for you to enjoy a summer filled with faith, love, and joy!
 Rev. Amy