In some of the small group meetings I attended this week at the church and online, we spent time sharing with one another the methods we use to refocus when stress is getting the best of us. What is it that you do when you recognize that you need to stop and take care of yourself? When your feelings get bigger than your body can hold – whether it’s anger, sorrow, frustration, or something else – what do you do with the emotional load you carry?
I heard many different answers – gardening, reading, listening to music, exercise/walking, being social, talking to a friend, taking a break, breathing intentionally, praying, and sleeping. These are healthy ways of dealing with strong feelings. There are less healthy ways to react to stress as well – mindless eating, overindulging in alcohol, staying saturated in social media, gaming, or drugs. These may distract us from our feelings for a time, but they also bring negative health consequences, and when we stop doing them then the feelings of stress just come back.
“Come to me all who are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest” says Jesus. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul.” (Matthew 11:28–29) Can you recall a time that you prayed a burden over to Jesus – lifting it up to your heavenly parent so you did not bear the weight of the stress alone? If so, you know how truly life-giving this can be. Whether it is a decision you need to make or something difficult you are required to do, God is ready to help carry the load and strengthen you, so that you can create space and make time to refill your own cup of life.
Additionally, as part of this connectional faith community, we offer true support to each other in times of need. If you need something heavy carried up the stairs, we can find someone to help you. If you are worried about a big change that is coming up in your life, we have people who care and can be called upon to visit with you and to listen and pray with you. If someone is treating you poorly and you need an advocate, we can find someone to speak up for you. Remember this: God’s blessings are right here in front of you when you need help – and in turn, when you feel strong you can BE one of those blessings to someone else. You do this when you share your talent or skill with the wider faith community. We need each other to embody God’s love.
As the fall comes to greet us, please be in touch with me about how the church can help support you and how you can help support the ministry of the church – Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Amy
Session has approved a plan to guide our decision-making regarding Covid-19 safety protocols for the fall season. Click here to read more details.