I wonder if you have ever experienced feelings for God as described in these first verses of Psalm 9 from the Message translation. If so, what was happening that sparked that joy?
Effusive gratitude for the blessings we enjoy and fullness of life from God are what this season of giving thanks is about. It is a time for us to step out of the usual pace of life and reflect on what is right and good and true in our lives. As we make it a point to be grateful to God in holding onto these, we reorient our hearts back to our creator. And now, perhaps more than ever, we are acutely aware of even the little things that keep us afloat as we go about our daily lives – an offer of help when we feel overwhelmed, a friend sharing chocolate at just the right time, or a call from a friend just to catch up. We experience God’s goodness in big and small ways when we keep paying attention.
To help frame the week ahead, I offer you this thanksgiving prayer as a gift to each of you, for whom I am tremendously grateful to walk alongside in ministry.
God’s Richest Blessings to you and yours,
Rev. Amy
Generous God, we lift our hearts to you with grateful praise; giving you thanks for our breath, health, and warmth, just as we are today.
Thank you for the food that nourishes so that we can do your will and help others know your goodness.
Thank you for the life-giving relationships we enjoy, friends that build us up to be our best selves.
Thank you for the generous, hard-working volunteers of Flemington Presbyterian Church that keep our ministry and mission happening year after year; for the energy, intelligence, imagination and love they share.
For each new family we’ve recently welcomed into the church through baptism and membership; bless them and help us know and care well for them. May they connect in meaningful ways to FPC, and we to them.
Thank you for engaging work or school which feed our souls and for wise colleagues with whom we work or study. Thank you for inspiring teachers, insightful counselors, and dynamic coaches who ask the best of us.
Loving God, at the end of the day, it is how our heart is with you that matters the most, so keep us mindful of our loyalties and give us strength and courage to truly be your disciples in this world working for love. Amen.